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japanese olympic committee中文是什么意思

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  • 日本奥林匹克委员会


  • On june 30 the tokyo metropolitan government submitted its plan for hosting the olympics to the japanese olympic committee
  • On april 28 with an aim at a bid for the 2016 olympic games tokyo submitted its candidacy declaration to the japanese olympic committee
  • On june 30 governor shintaro ishihara visited kishi memorial sports hall shibuya ward to present president tsunekazu takeda of the japanese olympic committee with tokyo s proposal for hosting the games of the xxxi olympiad in 2016
    6月30日,石原慎太郎市长参观了涩谷区shibuya ward的kishi纪念体育馆,并向日本奥委会joc主席竹田恒和提交了东京申办2016年第31届奥运会的请求。
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